Friday, September 26, 2008

rain rain go away

There is a storm off the coast of NC so I have rain. Well at least it stopped everyone from talking about this huge drought we were in for a year. Of course two weeks and they will be talking again. It's called climate change people learn to deal with it. Time to stop watering your damn lawns and let them be what nature intends for them to be whatever that is. If you feel the need to wash your car go to a car wash that reuses the same water over an over.

I expect that I will come up with little things that need doing today. I did that most all day yesterday. No project to fill my time but little ones now and then.

I think John McCain would be a good bike builder. He sees a problem he has the compulsive need to try to fix it. I mean the economy thing that has him in Washington instead of out beating up on Obama. Oh well enough politics.

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