Monday, July 27, 2009

too complicated.

It's just too complicated to keep all this together so this goes back to a blog about me and the bike. More a journal than anything.

I am going to start a new story blog.

Today on the bicycle front I am going to get a frame from the thrift store and try that hub motor again. The more I thought about it last night the more I came to the conclusion that the front fork was the problem. I didn't understand the reasoning behind the was the hub motor axle was designed. Now if I haven't damaged it I can get it to work today maybe.

I have also decided that part of my welding problems stem from my using an extension cord with a 15amp circuit breaker. The welder needs 20amps and I have it on a 20 amp circuit. I just need a cord without a breaker. If it trips the 20amp breaker I will be pissed.

Anyway those are todays projects. Those and building a new blog....

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